Traveling with Joe

Living life one Rolled Taco at a time

Coming soon!

I am working with the world’s slowest internet, especially upload speeds but I am trying (TRYING) to get some videos and pictures up so I can comment on them.  The Pic below took 15 minutes to upload just to give you some idea what I’m up against.  There will be more fun posts soon! Taken today (October 14, 2014) somewhere between Mars and Uranus Spain… Read More

Addendum to “Don’t shoot the messenger”

Just to put this in perspective. Since I left San Diego I have flown across the Atlantic, spent one night in Barcelnoa, flew to Pamplona, spent one night there, then got transported to the French Border where I have walked over 100 miles since I left home.  I’m sleeping in a different bed almost every night and they are usually single beds which, as my.. Read More

Don’t shoot the messenger!

We started today with a tour of the largest Cathedral in Spain.  Then we had a 15 mile walk (which they say is only 12 but I have a new Fitbit that says otherwise) and I recorded tons of content and pictures.  BUT, I speed tested the internet here at our Hostel and the download speeds are OK but it would take me about a.. Read More

Long Day part II

Yesterday I walked over 20 miles which included climbing a significant hill.  The end of the walk, because I took the wrong road, also included miles of industrial and commercial buildings as I entered the City of Burgos.  Frankly, it was a little miracle that I still had enough sense of humor to throw out the Gay Marriage video.  I ran it past Tim first.. Read More

Long day – quick post

  Being away from Tim and only being able to have short Skype conversations has changed my mind about Gay Marriage.  I found the perfect, romantic way to ask him and he found the perfect, romantic way to answer me.  We are so happy!  I walked over 20 miles today and now I’m headed out trying to find a restaurant that’s open before 8pm.  Eating.. Read More

Running on 8 cylinders again – Whew!

I will crawl before I quit Today’s Riddle  The Pace of Life  Am I a Princess?  Belarado  A rural Hotel  I had to eat a little crow after I made “The Pace of Life” video.  It started to sprinkle, then rain, then deluge.  Literally minutes after I criticized my fellow trekkers for not taking the time to smell the roses I was almost running and.. Read More

Knees, what knees?

I am happy to report that my knees suddenly quit hurting just as quickly as they started.  I don’t know if it’s the Knee Braces, the Anti-Inflammatory Cream, or if they just healed on their own; I did take a day off.  I walked 21km yesterday and had intended to do it at a slow pace until it started deluging rain.  At that point it.. Read More

Day 6 (I think) and I’m not giving up – not yet anyway

First I want to thank everybody for their concern over my knees.  As most of you know I’ve broken more than my fair share of bones; 2 big toes, an ankle, tailbone, countless ribs, vertebrae (twice) and a wrist so I have a lot of experience with pain and discomfort.  I have no idea what is happening with my knees.  I’ve cycled across America, I.. Read More

Uh oh!

  I don’t know what’s going on with my knees but it’s not good.  One day of excruciating pain, one day off, one day of normal discomfort and then another excruciating day.  Again, I had times when I wondered if I was going to make it.  I finally ran into the Group Leader in the early afternoon on a quiet street about 2 hours from.. Read More