Traveling with Joe

Living life one Rolled Taco at a time

Day 5 in Video – and I’m getting lonely out here

  Watch these videos from Left to Right (Top to Bottom) so Top Left, Top Right, Middle Left, Middle Right, Bottom Left, Bottom Right).  This is pretty much the story of Day 5….and I’m sorry about not writing more but time is limited and you can say a thousand words with a picture.  

Good stuff coming!

I have some cute pictures and videos that I’m anxious to get posted but the internet connections we’ve had in the past few locations has been bad.  The good news however is that tomorrow we walk to our next hotel and stay there 2 nights  We will still walk on Wednesday but apparently we get a ride back and originate from this hotel a second.. Read More

Minor Drama but all is well!

Today is Day 4 however for me it was Day Van.  My knees had started to hurt after the 2nd day but it was just a soreness.  Yesterday it got progressively worse until I finally simply could not go down a hill.  A couple of times I found myself, literally out in the middle of nowhere, standing about 1/2 way down a hill and unable.. Read More

Day 1 – A quick peek at our shortest day

          The road from Pamplona                                                                      Lou – one of the Trek Guides        Day 1 – the Camino de Santiago Trail        .. Read More

A very short Post

I tried to put together a Post tonight but the Internet here at the hotel is so slow some people can’t even retrieve their email.  I’m uploading some videos which are going to take 2 hours and I have photos I wanted to upload after that.  It’s 10:30 and we have to meet for breakfast at 7:30am tomorrow and it’s a long day. Hopefully we.. Read More

Spain so far…..and Day 1

After a few days in Spain to adjust to the time change and work my way from Barcelona to Pamplona, today is finally “The” Day.  At 4pm I meet my fellow Trekkers, we are transported to a small town near the French Border, then we have our first trek albeit a short one; 6km then a welcome dinner.  From here on out it’s on foot.. Read More

Near Miss

It’s been 20 minutes and I’m still shaking. I’m not sure if I would have gone into a complete rage or simply broken down into tears. I left my watch at Security at the Barcelona Airport. I never take my watch off. The metal detectors never go off if I keep it on and I’ve worn this watch every day since I bought it and.. Read More

A quick Breakfast

I thought some of you might find this amusing.  I ordered breakfast for one and look at the video below to see what I got.   LOL