I will crawl before I quit
Today’s Riddle
The Pace of Life
Am I a Princess?
A rural Hotel
I had to eat a little crow after I made “The Pace of Life” video. It started to sprinkle, then rain, then deluge. Literally minutes after I criticized my fellow trekkers for not taking the time to smell the roses I was almost running and continued at that pace for several kilometers.
The GREAT news however is that I have gone for 2 days now with virtually zero knee pain. I thought that maybe yesterday was a fluke but we walked over 20km today and I never felt the slightest twinge. I’m wearing my braces, putting anti-inflammatory cream on them in the morning and night, and we haven’t had any steep incline or decants (we have that tomorrow). I’ve got my fingers crossed that I have conquered that demon – it literally brought me to tears but I WILL NOT GIVE UP.
See, I am smelling the roses!
The beginning of Fall and some of the sights I might miss if I didn’t take my time.
As you can see, most of the time I am taking the time to soak in this experience. And, again, I will not quit.
You go boy, there is plenty of time to recover with all the memories!!! You are an inspiration to us all.
Love Katie from Dr. W
Great job Joe!! Love your videos and am especially happy to hear your knees are pulling through.
HAVE you met your SPIRIT GUIDE, the voice that is with you on the journey, the one that talks to you on those long walks? I am going to give Tim a call and set up a time to watch our movie. I have been busy being a YAYA!!! I hope your knees behave on the inclines. All is well with us. I Love You Tons!!!
This is a fun entry Joe. I liked seeing the accommodations. It’s enjoyable to get to “experience” the little slices of life–the stop-overs along the way. I’m happy your knees are working for you again. 🙂
Hey! Let us know where you are so we can track you. Wondering how things are going….
Hey Tio!!! So happy to hear you are feeling better. Im sure it makes the trek a ton more enjoyable!! The pics and videos are so cool!
I look forward to your next posts… I surfed yesterday for like 2 hours for the first time in about a year and I can hardly move today (getting old sucks) !! Im proud of you and hope you continue to kick some ass.. Love you. JPJ
Go Joe Jeter! Yahoo! Keep doing whatever you’re doing! Watch out for those declines and take it easy on them! Now you really can focus on the rest of your camino. I’m happy for you
Joe Luna