Traveling with Joe

Living life one Rolled Taco at a time

And on the 34th day he said “You’re done”

I am In Santiago de Compostela comfortably ensconced in a magnificent hotel.  I believe this was once a Monastery and now it is a 5 star hotel attached to a Church.  Looking out my window I’m not so sure there aren’t residence of some kind behind the Church. Upon arrival in Santiago there are a few rituals that most Pilgrims adhere to.  First, there is.. Read More

And on the 33rd day he said “Let there be rain”

Today was day 33.  Tonight I am sleeping about 16km outside of Santiago de Composteles which is about a  3-1/2 hours +/- walk depending on the weather.  We had a front coming through today and it rained on us for a few hours.  Most of the group walked further than me today which I think is a huge mistake.  In my estimation, they will arrive.. Read More

Ok, you wanted me to write, I’m writing.

I have noticed that only a modest percentage of my Blog visits are viewing the videos.  When asked, I’ve been told that some people prefer to read about my experience.  Ok, here it is, put on your seatbelt. Also, I don’t want to talk about it.  I need time to process this. Thanks, Joe Jeter, Nov 1, 2014 **************************************************************************************************************************** Right now I am high.  (gasp.. Read More

Palas de Rei otherwise known as “Less than 100km to Santiago”

We are actually about 65KM from Santiago now.   We have two long days (Saturday & Sunday) then a relatively short day (about 12 miles) on Monday to reach our final destination.  Unfortunately our weather is finally breaking and we have a measurable probability of rain increasing through Monday.  It would take an absolute miracle, based on the current forecasts to miss all of the.. Read More

Happy Halloween

Happy Halloween to my friends and family.  It’s 5:30am here and I’m up getting ready for a long day.  After today only 3 days before we arrive in Santiago de Composteles 760km from where we started.  For those of you Kilometer challenged, that’s 471 miles.  Essentially the distance from San Diego to San Jose where I will meet up with Tim next Thursday night.  Yeah!.. Read More

Pig Block, Horse Block and Attack of the Hairy Nuts

Well, I just typed a nice long post and then the Internet crashed and I lost all of it.  The old Joe would have thrown this computer out the window but the new Joe is just pissed.  Man, I have not written much for days, I pour out my heart and CRASH!.  LOL.  Okay guys, sorry, I was going to give you a piece of.. Read More

Smoking hot on the Camino

I’ve been telling Tim that I’ve gotten my “Engine” back.  My walking speeds & distance have suddenly taken a huge step up.  Well, everybody can tell you how “smoking hot” they are but I have proof!  Watch the video! Speaking of which……YouTube keeps track of how many times each video gets viewed.  I see that I am getting about 10% of the people that visit.. Read More

Saturday night in…….oh shit, I don’t know.

The title of this Blog is appropriate because we have stayed in and walked through so many towns and villages that it is impossible to keep track of them.  I just looked at tomorrow’s map and we are in Ponferrada, home to the last Castle of the Knights of Temlar; a sect steeped in mystery. In the comments someone asked if I had brought a “Rock” with.. Read More