Yesterday I walked over 20 miles which included climbing a significant hill.  The end of the walk, because I took the wrong road, also included miles of industrial and commercial buildings as I entered the City of Burgos.  Frankly, it was a little miracle that I still had enough sense of humor to throw out the Gay Marriage video.  I ran it past Tim first to make sure he didn’t mind; his only concern was that it made him look like the bad guy.

You would think that in 20 miles I would see something worth writing about or would have taken some photos or videos but it was the most mundane day we’ve had to date.  We basically just walked from one little Spanish village to another and apparently I missed the sign saying “turn here” so I went a couple villages too far.  By the time I discovered my mistake, the only solution was to either backtrack or to hike a goat trail to the top of a mountain, drop down the other side, bypassing  most of the Camino that my fellow Trekkers were on, then just follow the highway until I got into Burgos.  It was a long ass day.

On a bright note, the room I have has a big bathtub which I promptly climbed into and there was actually a restaurant open before 8pm so I had dinner but all of this was done on auto pilot because I was so tired.  Tim and I Skype’ed  which consisted of me staring at the screen close to catatonic.  I slept 9 hours and now I need to gather up the hurricane debris that was my duffel bag  so I can take it down to be shuttled to the next town.

Today we get a guided tour of the largest Cathedral in Spain (in Burgos) then we have a relatively  short walk (20km) to a pickup point.  We don’t actually walk all the way to any specific destination today and we rejoin the camino tomorrow via a drop-off ride.  I think the spacing of decent hotels and the impossibility of d0ing two back to back 30km hikes makes the tour leaders break things up like this.  Personally, I could use an entire day off but I’m not sure we get one of those during the entire 35 day trip.  Ugh.

Hopefully there will be more posts soon with something to talk about; possibly photos from the Cathedral today, but right now, even after 9 hours sleep, I am still tired  We have around 500km left to reach Santiago so I’m sure there are more long days ahead.

Buen Camino!

Joe Jeter, October 13, 2014