Happy Halloween to my friends and family.  It’s 5:30am here and I’m up getting ready for a long day.  After today only 3 days before we arrive in Santiago de Composteles 760km from where we started.  For those of you Kilometer challenged, that’s 471 miles.  Essentially the distance from San Diego to San Jose where I will meet up with Tim next Thursday night.  Yeah!

Here’s a little artsy shot of a Pilgrim statue.  You find them from time to time along the route. Also a picture of a sign in a small Pueblo where we probably aren’t as welcome.  Ying Yang along the Camino.

Joe Jeter  October 31, 2014

Dont poop here

Don’t Poop or Litter here.  Yes, this is a real sign. 

A statue to honor the tired and hungry Pilgrim