Even though I am taking an entire day off, I can tell my energy levels are still low.  I’m going to do a quick post of pictures and mostly let them speak for themselves.  That’s one good thing about the Camino; more often than not you don’t need words.  That’s a good thing because about half the time when I try to record something I get choked up.  Also, the last few days it has been WINDY.   I’ve shot some great video but the audio track is ruined.  We’re headed into mountain country again so the wind should be blocked by trees.  We are on the Mesa of Spain now and it is peppered with huge wind power generators.  They don’t put those where it’s not windy.  Some of the smaller people on the trek have complained that they almost get blown over; yes, it’s that windy.  I’ve tried to cover the microphone or hide behind barriers but the wind has been pervasive.  So, for a break, I’m going to just post pics and let you figure it out.  LOL. OK, I might throw in a comment or two.


smallest pilgrim
Cathedral 3
Cat5 copy
Cat 11
Cat 8
Cat 12
Cat 9
Cat 10
Cat 7

Some of you know the visceral reactions I have had to “Places” and “Things”.  When I touched the Wailing Wall in Jerusalem it was like having sadness pour into my body; I burst into tears.  I had a similar reaction when I touched the Stone of Unction where (the story goes) Jesus was laid out to prepare for burial.  All I know is that I went into these places with no predisposed feelings and came out knowing that I had touched “Something”.  I wouldn’t call it good or evil; just “something”.


The above pics are from the Cathedral in Burgos.  This is the largest Cathedral in Spain with 21 Altars.  This is where Columbus came to ask for the money to sail to the “New World”.  Built in the 12th Century and added onto for hundreds of years, this is a center piece of Catholicism.  


I felt absolute evil and started having an anxiety attack.  I waited until our Guide wasn’t looking and fled out of the Cathedral.  It wasn’t until I reached the city limit and was walking into the country that my heart slowed down.  i honestly thought I might end up in an ER somewhere with another A-Fib incident.  Again, those of you who know me know my history.  


The pictures below are taken as I left Burgos but first, the world’s smallest Pilgrim.  I never got her name but she is 3 years old and her owner has taken her on a portion of the Camino since she was a puppy.  Some day they will finish but, for now, they are doing it a piece at a time. I walked near them for 2 days but I think they might have headed back yesterday; she came over and let me pet her as I walked past.  Tim says she looks like a Molly mixed with a Bailey, one deceased and one very old companion that have touched our lives. Look closely and you will see a small Scallop shell on her collar; she is truly a pilgrim.  


Burg 13
Burg 4
Burg 12
Burg 9

I think by now you are starting to see a pattern in our days.  We get a small dose of a Pueblo, occasionally a small city, then we get dumped into the country.  The video I call “Walking into Fall”.  We are literally walking into Fall as we are heading back into the woods and heading towards November.  I only have one thought.  Brrrrrr.