Sahagun Hotel
Hotel Room Sagaun

I know that our Guides and the Company that arranged this trip have our well being in mind and on this hotel is leap years better than many of the places we have stayed in.  But, at the same time, it is a comedy of errors.


There are 91 rooms here but based on the size of the Lobby, Common Areas, Restaurant, Bar and Pool/Spa/Locker Rooms, you would think there were 400 rooms.  We are literally “On the wrong side of the tracks” as the railroad tracks cut a swathe through town leaving this side isolated and almost unreachable.  There is an ancient Roman Bridge that serves the roads here and a highway exit that is poorly marked (Oeste Sahagun) which generally means you end up driving around the “Other side of the tracks” for 30 minutes until you can find your way here.  


The hotel is HORRENDOUSLY overbuilt.  My “Theory” goes like this:  When Spain converted to the Euro there were literally Billions of Pesetas (The Spanish currency at the time) stuffed in Mattresses and God knows where else.  The Spanish Government joined the EU partly to flush out this money as there had been no taxes paid on it.  


Spanish “Developers” took this cash and built enormously oversized developments, generally  in the Cities, but apparently this company had more money than they could spend without gathering attention so they turned to this bleak little town in the middle of nowhere.  


We drove through town 3 times before we finally found our way to the hotel and all the while couldn’t help but notice the complete dearth of people.  Granted it was between 2pm and 5pm, the Witching Hours in Spain (Siesta), but it was eerie.  This town dates back to the 12th Century and has relics from that era to prove it.  I don’t even want to guess at how old the bridge was we had to drive over to get here; I crossed myself and said a quick prayer because it was a long way down to the river below.  I was reassured that my fellow passenger was a Deacon from Puerto Rico so I had a holy man in tow but, really?  You put, by far, the largest building in town in an area that is almost unreachable then try to staff it?  LOL.


Can YOU tell the difference between the bottom pair of underwear (pictured right) from the rest?  It is XL and everything else is M (as in Mine).  Mr XL is going to be in for a surprise when he tries to squeeze into my Mediums.  Actually, I know who Mr XL is because he took a pair of my Ex-Officio underwear by mistake when it was hanging in the van to dry.  Turns out we have several pieces of clothing that are identical.  IF I had brought all of the shirts with me that I had purchased we would have even more.  I’m not sure I like the guy but he has good taste.  Ironically, his walking buddy was in the lobby yesterday in the same pair of Lululemon pants as I was wearing.  The world has gotten smaller but not so small that socks don’t come in pairs?  (Picture Right).  I showed the poor front desk clerk and now he’s opening all of the laundry bags trying to find it but i don’t really care.   I packed a LOT more stuff than they recommended.

Joe Jeter   October 18, 2014

Lone Sock

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