So I’m sitting in the bar having yet another bocadillo de jamon & queso (Ham and Cheese Sandwich) and there’s a TV blaring behind me.  First I notice that it is partly in English then I notice that it is an advertisement for some kind of thing you stick under your Boobs (for women) so they stick out when you go out.  The disturbing part was that the advertisement was done in American English but there was Spanish commentary like “Oh, muy buen”.  My take on this was that they were inferring that all the women in America were doing this so the women in Spain should do it too.  

Disgusted I turned back to my sandwich and the next commercial came on.  I listened passively then yanked my head around to make sure it wasn’t a joke.  By the time I got my camera turned on I had missed the commercial BUT thanks to YouTube I found it.  I SWEAR this was on Spanish TV.