I flew from Santiago de Composteles this morning and arrived to a beautiful sunny day in Barcelona.  Can’t beat the Mediterranean side of Spain.  It was only 10:30am so I pretty much knew my hotel room wouldn’t be ready but I wanted to walk up the Ramblas and find something to eat anyway.


They said they would have a room for me by 1pm so I came back about 1:30pm, picked up my room key and headed up.  I walked into the door of the room and had an immediate and visceral reaction; the room had two twin beds.  Controlling myself, I went back to the Front Desk and simply said “No” and handed them the keys.  In rapid fire Spanish I told them that I had to have a room with a King Size bed because my feet hung off the end of a twin bed.  They pecked on the keyboard and mumbled back and forth and then offered me a room on the Smoking Floor.  Again, in Spanish I told them that was not an option then said “I just spent a month on the Camino and I can’t sleep in another single bed”.  As soon as I said the word Camino I saw what appeared to be the Front Desk Manager’s head snap around. Within seconds they had mysteriously found me a room but it wasn’t quite ready.  They gave me an internet pass and I sat in the Bar upstairs.  One of the front desk staff came up and got me and I am now sitting in a very nice room on the top floor the hotel.  It’s obviously not a standard room as it is huge and you could dance in the bathroom.  I guess name dropping a month on the Camino actually means something.  Either that or he knew I’d go postal.


I’m going to take a quick nap, go out for a walk and dinner with Tim’s friend, Emmeline, then call it a day.  At 10am tomorrow I hope to be listening to the engines spool up on my flight to NYC then an hour later another flight to SFO.  I arrive in San Jose tomorrow night.. YEAH.


My home for my last night – Hasta La Vista Baby