Starting tomorrow and until the end of the trek, we have long days and are heading into the mountains tomorrow.  Tomorrow night we are staying in a “crumbling” village and the following day, for those of you who saw “The Way”, we are leaving our stones at the iron cross.  The Guide has made it abundantly clear that we are going to get our asses kicked from here on out with long days, possibly colder and colder weather, and there are no more rest days.

The hotel we are in last night and tonight has a Spa in the Basement.  For an hour today I was pummeled by hot water jets, luxuriating in steam and hot saunas, blasted by hot and cold jets, and floating around in a hot pool.  I’m afraid it will be a shock to the system when we decamp tomorrow night in an Alburgue (where the kids sleep in bunks) which is also a hotel.  Last year they ran out of rooms and some of the group had to sleep in the common areas.  I will pull out my CPAP and make sure that doesn’t happen to me but things will be primitive for a while.

On a brighter note, we will be past the 2/3 mark after tomorrow.  I believe we’re about to hit the 10 day (left) mark so we are indeed, SLOWLY beginning to finish this “walk”.  So, before things change dramatically, here are a series of videos that represent a typical day except when we had the gale force winds and rain; I’m trying to block that out.

Joe Jeter October 23, 2014


A typical start to a typical day!

Sore Feet

Used Farm Equipment

Random people/Random Places

Used Farm Equipment

Just another 1,000 year old relic

A lot of praying happens here

Gaudi again?  Who is this guy?

Seriously used (not a video)