Before I get into todays post, here’s the updated step-count.

One Million Steps here we come!

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I’ve taken a few pictures the last couple of days but it’s more of the same.  Stunningly beautiful Vistas, ancient buildings, a cow, a horse, a few dogs, some cow shit on the road, other Pilgrims and blue sky – until today.  The forecasts had been saying rain for Wednesday and Thursday and, unfortunately they were correct for Wednesday.  I’m updating this Thursday AM and it’s still a crap-shoot. 

This time however I did bring rain gear.  The best high-tech light weight hiking clothing you can buy.

Here’s a lesson on rain gear  for those of you that are considering a hike like this.

Basically the only thing that will keep you dry during a rainstorm is Gortex.  This high-tech material is sandwiched between an inner and outer layer.  But unless it is freezing it makes you sweat like a pig so you end up drenched inside and the outside so the Gortex is probably the driest part of the clothing.  Then, to add insult to injury, when you go inside to warm up, the osmosis that the Gortex promotes to wick YOUR sweat away from YOUR body reverses and wicks the rain on the outside of your clothing into the inside.  You put it back on only to realize that you are soaked and it’s arctic cold.  Yup, it’s wonderful technology.  So only wear it outside and only when it’s freezing.  Otherwise wear a Poncho because even though you still get wet, NEWS FLASH, you still get wet in the Gortex but at least in the Poncho you aren’t suffocating and they are a lot cheaper.

It’s finally dark outside.  I’ve been going to bed when it was still light the last few nights simply because there was nothing to do where we were staying and, frankly, I am tired.  Not the “I walked too far today” tired either.  This is the “I’ve been gone from home for almost 5 weeks, walked almost every day of it and when I wasn’t walking I was either flying or recovering from Jet-Lag” tired.

Only 1-1/2 more days, only 1-1/2 more days.  Only 1-1/2 more days. Only 1-1/2 more days, only 1-1/2 more days.  Only 1-1/2 more days.Only 1-1/2 more days, only 1-1/2 more days.  Only 1-1/2 more days.Only 1-1/2 more days, only 1-1/2 more days.  Only 1-1/2 more days.Only 1-1/2 more days, only 1-1/2 more days.  Only 1-1/2 more days.Only 1-1/2 more days, only 1-1/2 more days.  Only 1-1/2 more days.Only 1-1/2 more days, only 1-1/2 more days.  Only 1-1/2 more days.

April 15, 2015

Joe Jeter


Here’s the link to the latest map – maybe it will work for you