The following video has some content that needs explaining.  When I talk about begin lonely it’s not like I am alone.  The Group goes to dinner together, often times during the day I will walk with one or two of them and the Guides are fantastic support both physically and emotionally.  But I experienced this 25 years ago when I did the TransAmerica Bicycle Ride. That time I was gone for 7 weeks, this time 5 but both times you leave everyone and everything that is familiar to you behind and when you are lonely and tired (emphasis on LONELY & TIRED) you get emotional.  


I miss my Partner, Tim, I miss my family, I miss our dog, Bailey, I miss my bed (Oh GOD I miss my bed, I could go on.  The bottom line is that when the smoke settles you realize how incredibly lucky you are to have the life that you have and leaving it behind, even for a few weeks, can be hard; not impossible, but hard.  With any luck however, you will return home with a newfound sense of appreciation for the Love and creature comforts that we can take for granted.  Mostly, at least for me, I realize how incredibly lucky I am to have the partner and family  that I have and every day that we are apart is one less day that we get to spend together before who knows what happens.  

Joe Jeter, October 15, 2014

What is it like to walk the Camino?