Every day is an opportunity to experience something completely new.  While it is not a stated goal of mine to try and introduce something unique to every single day, I must confess an almost unnatural level of curiosity about what lies under the next rock.  To that end, my partner and I broke new ground yesterday.  

I went shopping for wedding rings.

I went shopping at Tiffany’s

We bought wedding rings.

It’s one thing to decide to get married, it’s a small piece of hell working up the courage to bring up the subject, it’s a huge piece of heaven when the answer is yes.  But things don’t really start to feel real until you actually take the first step towards the final outcome.  Trust me, if you haven’t gotten to this point in your life and, at 58 I am probably a late bloomer, but picking out rings changes the idea from ethereal to real. Rings

Fortunately Tim and I have the exact same taste in almost everything.  It took all of 1 minute to pick out the ring, a few more minutes to figure out  the width (6mm), and then I found out, for the first time in my life that I have a size 12 finger.  I guess that’s big because they had to hunt down my ring.

Anyway, I’ve been blogging mostly about the Camino de Santiago since last September (2014).  I decided that marriage was something I wanted to do during my first Camino, reaffirmed it during my second Camino, and yesterday took the first big step towards making it real.

12/14/15 – The big day.

May 10, 2015

Joe Jeter