Mas Pan?

Mas Pan

To most parents their child’s first word or words are a momentous occasion.  Of course the Father wants to hear “dah dah” and the Mother wants to hear “Ma Ma”, and the Grandmother wants to hear “Ya Ya” and for all 3 any version of those words will bring a moment of sunshine bright joy to their lives.  After all we are our own favorite subject.  

In Spain a child’s first words are undoubtedly “Mas Pan” (More Bread).  Why?  Because for breakfast, lunch and dinner it is the most commonly heard phrase in the entire Spanish language (in Spain).  Now, how do I know this?  First, for the past 5 weeks I have counted the number of times we have been asked that question.  According to my specially equipped FitBit it is now in excess of 1,000 times (Just kidding).  No, we just hear it a lot and when we say “No” they look at us like we just landed from Mars and our antennai are sticking out of our green beanie hats.

So, while I don’t have definitive proof that children utter these words in lieu of a shout out to their parents, here is something that points solidly (pun intended) in that direction.

When I first got here this trip I had trouble being “Regular”.  My Sister had a product called “Benefiber” which is a daily fiber supplement to keep things flowing.  Keep in mind that when you are out on the trail it is important to know or be able to predict in advance when these things might happen.  So I took some of her Benefiber packets and gladly used them.  A week or so later we were standing in a pharmacy and she noticed they were selling the exact same product here in Spain.  I purchased a box of my own so I wouldn’t have to borrow hers.

Now, imagine a diet where you eat bread for breakfast, bread for lunch and bread for dinner.  This is generally supplemented by coffee for breakfast, meat for lunch and meat for dinner.  Note the lack of vegetables or fruit and if you do order a salad it generally comes with Tuna on it (more meat).  This could undoubtedly lead to a problem with digestion.  Isn’t bread constipating?  

In the photo below the package on top is a Spanish package of Benefiber.  The package below which is at least 1/2 the volume, is a package of Benefiber from the USA.  So, you tell me if they have a fiber issue here in Spain or, in Spanish “Mas Pan?”

Upper Package – From Spain

Lower Package – From the USA
