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The above graph shows my daily step activity since the Camino walk started.  It’s going to be close whether or not I log a full million steps.  Based on the current step-count and the estimated total mileage I think I’m going to come up short.  Guess I’ll just have to keep on walking until I do.  NOT GONNA HAPPEN.  

It’s 2am Friday April 10 and I’m up.  The last few days have been LONG and the FitBit only shows elevation gain, not Elevation Loss.  Yesterday we spent most of the day going down a steep rocky hillside followed by mile after mile of hard surface walking.  Ugh.

Between intermittent Internet and a complete lack of energy, I’m sorry that the Blog has lamented.  For some reason after I walk 15 miles +/-, eat a crappy dinner and have a beer I just don’t have the creative spark I need to write something that anybody would want to read.  Moving Photos from my camera to the laptop, resizing them and then uploading them to the Blog also falls into the “not tonight” category, at least lately.

We are in the final push to Santiago de Compostela.  We reached the highest point on the Camino the day before yesterday, climbed down the mountain yesterday and today walked along basically a valley floor to a cute little town near our next ascent.  We are meant to walk part of the way up the hill tomorrow and then trek the final 5km (which are the steepest) and head down the back side on Saturday.  

Right now we have rain showers which are predicted to continue on through tomorrow.  After that we are meant to have great weather through Tuesday which puts us very close to home.  We arrive at the finish line sometime Friday morning in time to get cleaned up and make it to the Pilgrim’s Mass at the Cathedral at noon.

Just as the trees, flowers and grape vines have suddenly and magically started to bud and flower, my walking legs have come back just like last time.  I’m finishing my day a few hours ahead of everyone else and I’m not really even trying.  In October I had a day where I pushed really hard and it was actually fun but I paid for it the next day by being so sore I had trouble walking a good pace.  Of course, this was the day I walked into Santiago and it was in a blinding rain so I’ve decided to forgo any super-human days and the subsequent pain.  

But I’m walking alone, there’ s nobody on the trail to talk to, the weather has been moderate, so I’m burning through the kilometers.  I should have sat down and blogged today when I got in but this hotel arguably has the best mattress and bedding of any place we have stayed and last nights hotel was a dump.  I didn’t sleep well, their breakfast was even worse than their beds, so the beginning of this day kind of sucked. I couldn’t resist the temptation to crawl into bed and take a nap.  Score one for my attitude but zero for the website. That’s probably also why I’m wide awake at 2:30am.  

Here are the last few days of FitBit Stats.  Note that yesterday is recorded in 2 segments.  I was recharging the watch during lunch and for some reason the power cable going in and out of the slot caused the watch to reset.  I had to “start” my day over again.  I’m loving this new FitBit Surge but their power connection is bad.  I’m guessing they will have to change it in an upcoming version because the power cable just wants to fall out – constantly.

Tomorrow night we already know the internet will be bad or nonexistent.  I doubt my data-phone will have cell service so I won’t be able to tether my laptop to it and I might try to hike an extra 5km tomorrow so I can start Saturday at the top of the mountain, not half way up.  All this means that it will be a few more days until I can put anything interesting on here.  I do have photos and stories and I do hope I can find the energy to move them onto the Blog but frankly it might have to wait until i get home.  I’ll let you know.


April 10, 2015

Joe Jeter

I don’t know why FitBit randomly adds mile markers to these Graphics.  I hate them because at this scale they cover up too much.  Are you listening FitBit? Screen Shot 2015-04-06 at 3.53.50 PM

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Part two of Wednesday’s walk.

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