November 25, 2015

In response to the airlines crowding more and more people into their planes while adding fees for virtually everything, there is an underground uprising that I hope will take root.  Thanksgiving weekend is the busiest travel time of the year.  The Wednesday before Thanksgiving would normally be an insanely busy travel day.

What if the majority of people simply refused to fly that one day?  Can you imagine the chaos.  It would have a chilling effect on the airlines and even the Government.  Perhaps the airlines need to be regulated again.  Free Market is one thing but they have not only made airplanes uncomfortable my argument is that they are unsafe.

Imagine trying to climb over the unconscious obese person in the aisle seat after an emergency landing.  Even if you could the aisle would be packed with people, there would be bodies being trampled, the elderly and children wouldn’t have a chance and a couple screaming flight attendants would not change a thing, especially if there was smoke or a fire.

Have you noticed how the airline safety brochures ALL show the passenger comfortably Kneesseated in their row with ample room between their knees and the seat in front of them.  This is an actual photo of my knees on a recent flight on Iberia Airlines.  I am sitting upright in my chair and the person in front of me is not reclining.  Thankfully it was a short flight.

The airline manufactures and the airline employees are not at fault here.  Boing designed the 787 to have 8 seats across but most airlines ordered it with 9.  Now they are shoving 10 seats across in a 777.  The side to side crowding is bad enough but when you are literally jammed into your seat there is something wrong..  Would we consider this acceptable if it were a bus?  A train?  Would we find this acceptable if this was concert seating?  WOULD WE FIND THIS ACCEPTABLE ANYWHERE?

So why do we just keep calling ourselves “Cattle” and letting the airlines get away with it.  All it will take is ONE DAY.


November 25, 2015 – National DO NOT FLY Day.

Visit the Facebook Page.  IF Facebook can overthrow the Government of Egypt why can’t we use it to make flying comfortable again?