Traveling with Joe

Living life one Rolled Taco at a time


Hate me or Love me - Your choice.

Estella to Los Arcos and Beyond

We did some extra miles today so tomorrow wouldn’t be as long.  We were scheduled to walk 28km but we shaved 6km off by walking an extra 1-1/2 hours this afternoon.  Translated that means my ass is tired.  Might Blog later but, if not, here are today’s Stats. March 20, 2015 Joe Jeter

Estella Spain plus Paulo, Shirley and Charlie, really?

We have arrived in a small but quaint town called Estella after 5 days of hiking. Tomorrow we have our longest day yet which will take us past the 100km mark. (just under 60 miles). I’m not sure anybody has an exact figure on how long this route is; the signpost right outside of Ronscavales where we started said 790km but that was on the.. Read More

Puente de Reina (Bridge of the Queen) – Updated

I’m trying to get into the habit of turning on my FitBit Watch and letting it run all day long.  If I do that it will map the trip and give me the stats on the day.  If I don’t post anything else, I hope to at least post a screenshot of that each day. It’s 4:00pm here and we just got in from what.. Read More

Pamplona – Again

And so it begins. I need to start this blog with just a tiny airline rant. After I had decided to go to the Camino again I tried to think of other people I knew that might enjoy the “Experience”. Three came to mind, two considered it, and one came along; my Sister (Ex-Sister-In-Law) Marji. I had already booked my tickets to and from Barcelona.. Read More

El Dia Dos – With Dog Video Added

Well, I have survived Day 2.  When I was here in October, by now my knees were hurting and by day 3 I had to be taken to a clinic.  So far I’m feeling great, the hiking has been easy, and because it’s snowy and everything looks completely different, it’s like being on an absolutely different trip. It’s almost 10pm here and we just finished.. Read More


The big question. Some of you have come right out and asked me why I have chosen to walk the Camino a second time, especially since it was barely over 4 months ago when I finished the first one.  Trust me, I’ve been reaching inside to find the answer and after a few months of pondering it, I think that maybe pieces of a sensible.. Read More

Trains, Planes & Automobiles – But not necessarily in that order!

March 11, 2015 – Rent a car and drive to Los Angeles.  Spend the night near the airport. March 12, 2015 – Fly from Los Angeles to New York and then on to Barcelona arriving March 13, 2015 March 13, 2015 – Spend the night in Barcelona and have dinner with a friend of Tim’s. March 14, 2015 – Fly to Pamplona and spend the.. Read More

R.I.P Rod McKuen

The world lost one of its great people this past week.  Anyone that was even half awake during the 1960’s or 1970’s would have heard of him; Rod McKuen.  Possibly one of the most prolific songwriter/poets of his era, Rod was pure driven genius. Many years ago I was blessed with the opportunity to spend a weekend in his rambling Beverly Hills mansion.  I met.. Read More